Second Story


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The Fine Print

The words Second Story, as used as a band name (more specifically, "Goods and services: Band Entertainment, namely live performances by a musical act") is an officially registered (®) trademark owned by members of Second Story. For more information, please visit the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The trademark is referenced under Serial #75830095.

Contents of the Second Story website and all related pages are ©copyright 1990-2003, all rights reserved. These rights include ownership of all files, music, graphics, artwork, pictures, code, design and descriptions found hereon. No use may be made of materials found on this website without prior consent by an authorized agent of Second Story. Note that this includes use within a review of Second Story's music. For questions concerning use of any materials, please contact the webmaster.

Privacy Policy
Second Story respects the privacy of our email list and postal mailing list subscribers, website visitors and the general population on the internet. As such, we do not share our information with other parties, and we do not use "spam" to contact potential new fans or listeners. We also discourage site visitors who are under the age of 13 from submitting their personal information to our email list, in the interest of compliance with COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.) Please see our full privacy policy for more information.

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